Input for your Naviki Contest

In order to set up your Naviki Contest, we require the information specified below.

In the Naviki app, in MORE / Contests, you will find a Demo Contest. You will easily see how the items described below will be implemented. Contact us if you do not see the Demo Contest in the Naviki app. We will be happy to provide you access.

1 Graphics

You are free to design the graphics within the specifications given below. The graphics can contain text elements, your logo and a photo. They should not contain any small details, as the app displays them in a reduced size.

a) Key Image S
In the Naviki app, the Key Image S appears in the list in MORE / Contests, where the contest can be selected. Since the image will be shown quite small in the app, please don't use any text.
Size: 800 x 600 Px (width x height)
File format: PNG

b) Key Image L
In the Naviki app, the Key Image L is displayed full width at the top of the central Contest view. Please consider that the image will have the width of a smartphone screen in the app, so please don't use small text.
Size: 1600 x 800 Px (width x height)
File format: PNG

c) Contest Button
For participants of the Contest, the Contest Button will appear as an additional element on the start view of the Naviki app. Please don't use small text here as well.
Size: 512 x 512 Px
File format: PNG, circular button on transparent background

2 Basic texts

a) Contest title
The contest title appears in several positions in the Naviki app. Ideally, the title consists of no more than 25 characters.

b) Short description
The short description can be seen under Key Image L in the central view of your contest. It consists of maximum 200 characters and should invite your target group to participate.

3 Web addresses

a) Info page
Your info web page is linked in the Naviki app under the short description. All relevant information about the contest should be available on this page provided by you.

b) Rules page
Your rules web page should briefly and clearly describe the rules of your contest (e.g. thresholds for counting, geographical area, who is eligible to participate). We will be happy to assist you in setting up the rules.

4 Configuration (optional)

If any of the following items are not relevant in your contest, you can simply ignore them.

a) Access question
If you want your contest to be accessible only after a short access question has been answered correctly, send us this question and its answer. The question must be easy to answer by your target group. The answer and its spelling must be unambiguous.

b) Motivating push notifications
The app can regularly send motivating push messages to participants at a fixed km interval (e.g. after every 50 km). If such push messages are to be used, please send us several short texts of a max. 80 characters each. Each of these texts can contain a placeholder for the total number of km covered by the respective participant. The app will send the short texts in rotation according to the km interval you specify (the last text provided will be followed by the first, and so on).

c) Thresholds for recorded trips
From experience, the following limits are useful to exclude routes that have not been recorded by cycling: Maximum average speed: 25 km/h, maximum speed: 50 km/h, maximum length: 100 km. These values can be adjusted according to your requirements.

d) Geographical area
If only routes within a specific geographical area are to be included in the results, please send us a shape file for this area (EPSG: 4326/WGS84 coordinates).

e) Top Level, Categories and Teams
Let us know which Top Levels, Categories or preset Teams are to be implemented. Provide us with their names, each consisting of up to 25 characters. For each Top Level and for each Category, send a specific graphic in PNG format sized 600 x 600 Px. Details on Top Levels, Categories and Teams are available in our offer.

f) Other
If the configuration of your contest requires further information from you, please submit this to us along with the above input.


Please send us your input in one e-mail to the following address: input[at]

More information and contact

We look forward to your enquiry!



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